perm filename IJCAI.INF[AM,DBL] blob sn#294108 filedate 1977-07-15 generic text, type T, neo UTF8
00100	∂13-Jul-77 0854	FTP:CANDY at MIT-AI (Candy Bullwinkle)
00300	Greetings, Bob.  Got your note about view graphs.  Reddy  is  against
00400	them,  but Fredkin thinks that is a crock, so they will be available.
00500	There is a catch.  You must send Eva Kampits a note (she is doing all
00600	the leg work) about where and when you want a view graph else it will
00700	not be there (they are not being made available  by  default).    You
00800	might  inform  your  friends  as  I  am sure this will result in mass
00900	confusion.  I think I will use a view graph  provided  there  are  no
01000	lighting  problems  in  the room where I will be speaking.  I plan to
01100	check this out with Eva shortly.  See you in a month. Candy